Thursday, November 23, 2006

The 6-Week Long Headache

Yes, I am referring to the school holidays. Our children are out of school and … at the malls? At “camp”? At extra tuition classes?

Oh, how do I occupy thee? Let me count the ways.

There’s good old fashioned television, cartoon channels and a vcd or 2 to keep those potatos firmly on the couch. That’s not necessarily a good thing though. Hmm.

While we’re on the topic of electronic babysitters (or child minders), how about a games console? While they still make the children (or adults who play them, a-ha!) stare at the TV, at least they have some thinking and some “doing” to do, even if it is just moving their fingers and hands. Still, for someone as young as Abang, it helps improve his hand-eye coordination, plus the games meant for children his age have simple puzzles for them to solve. His Leapster has really been a great help in this respect.

Then there’s “camp”. I’ve received so many flyers on holiday “camps”, it’s become an industry in itself! I guess there is a market out there for good, structured and semi-structured activities that keep the kids out of trouble and get them doing constructive things during the holidays. Last year, I supervised Abang at my sister’s camp. Even though the children were Cuz and AJ’s age, that is primary school age, it was a great experience for him especially since it was familiar surroundings. Can’t wait for the next one in December!

The Kizsports- and Megakidz-type play places are great for the kids to expand as much energy as they possible could. It’s tiring just watching them run around, screaming, laughing and getting all sweaty. These places are a touch expensive, though, especially if you have more than 1 child who needs to burn off energy. Having said that, I think if they (and the adult) can last at least 4 hours, then it’s quite worth it.

Ah, shopping malls. Such a wonderful invention. The mall management are getting quite good at pulling in the families with colouring contests and the like. So far, I haven’t been able to actually see one in progress because we usually hit the malls in the early morning when they first open, while most of these activities happen in the afternoon. Plus, if it were in progress when we are there we’d most likely avoid it because we just don’t like crowds. Abang shies away from crowds, just like his Mummy and Daddy. Adik, however, is a story for a different day.

Since this is our first “real” school holiday experience (Abang started kindergarten early this year) I’m looking for other things for them to do, besides all of the above. I guess I could start with the regular touristy places – bird park, butterfly park and Putrajaya.

By the way, Abang has been asking to go to Petrosains at KLCC (even though he’s been there twice already) but *ahem* maybe some younger, more energetic “che-ches” and abangs would be better off taking on that challenge.

How do I occupy thee?

Let me count the ways.


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