Sunday, November 12, 2006

Help! I Gave Birth to a Neat Freak (or Two)

It started when Abang was much younger, around Adik’s age now. While he wasn’t particularly interested in stacking, or nesting his toys, I noticed that he preferred instead to arrange them neatly either on the floor, on the coffee table. Similar coloured toys were put together, labels or pictures would all be facing the same way – outwards.

At this point, certain members of our family would be wondering where he got that sense of ‘neatness’ from. Really!

When we got him his first crayon set and a children’s table to draw on, I taped down some paper on the table so that he could scribble and draw pictures on it. This way there was less risk of his accidentally scribbling on the table since the paper was taped down. We reminded him constantly that drawing was ‘only meant for the paper on the table’ and not anywhere else, like the wall or floor.

As one would expect, he decided to experiment and find out what would happen if he did attempt to redecorate the walls.

Well, on both occasions he’s had the pleasure of also finding out the right way to use a cleaning sponge!

I have to say, though, ever since then, his cleaning bouts have been more constructive than destructive. Not just that, Adik has also jumped on the Cleaning Bandwagon.

I mean, really, I cannot imagine where they get that from.

Whenever we’re outside, they love to wipe the cars down. Abang actually does a pretty decent job. He even knows to climb using the stool to get to the hard to reach areas. Adik somehow manages to get dirt on his hands without taking any off the car. But then I’m not too hopeful of my 15-month old actually being able to clean my car. That would be a little too hopeful.

It’s pretty cute, though, how Adik would sometimes grab a cloth (or a piece of clothing that’s lying about in the lounge) and then wipe the floor with it. He keeps trying to wipe this sticker that Abang had stuck to the floor years ago, obviously realising that it is out of place there.

The most recent adventure the boys had was with some baby powder. I’m not too sure how they got hold of it but all I know is, I went to the kitchen to get a drink, I came out 0.2 milliseconds later and the floor was white and slippery, the chair had powder on it and they’re both giggling away.

Not a good sign.

Reprimands, freaking out, slipping about on the floor … yadda yadda yadda. Alright boys, get to work. Mummy is not cleaning this up for you.

They’re still giggling, by the way.

A wet cloth for each boy and off they went. I think they secretly enjoy cleaning.

Where could they have got this from, I wonder?


At 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

kemana lah kuah nak tumpah kalau tak ke nasi goreng..or something like that :p another one would be nephew #1 wanting to stay home and play with his computer rather than socialise at an open haus..hmmm wonder where he gets THAT from...i tell you at least 2 generations ago! Ant J

At 10:53 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hmmm... do you mean "The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree"?


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