Monday, December 25, 2006

Putrajaya, Here We Come!

After my reconnaissance mission, I felt brave enough last week to take the boys to Putrajaya for the actual boat ride. This time I had my auntie, maid and Ant J with us although Ant J, the boys and I were the only ones who rode the boat.

I got Adik to take a nap first before we set out so that he wouldn’t be so cranky in the car. When we left it was 11:05am and just the right time to arrive in Putrajaya before the 12pm boat leaves the jetty. The boat leaves on the hour, every hour, from 11am until 6pm and I had been told to get there at 15 minutes before the hour because the boat leaves bang on time.

A most useful piece of information, because we got there (after accidentally taking the slightly longer route) at 11:45am, bought the tickets, then waited for the announcement to board.

Good thing I took Abang to the loo just before boarding. The ride was 45 minutes long and although he enjoyed it, I think it was a bit too long for him. After only 20 minutes he kept saying he wanted to go back. It was great to go on a weekday because there were only 14 passengers, including us, in a boat meant for 76 people. So there was ample room for the boys to stretch their legs and view the lake surroundings from different angles.

And stretch his legs Adik definitely did! Good thing there weren’t too many people to get annoyed at my chasing him around the boat and doing a tag-team with Ant J to prevent him from pressing too many buttons and breaking anything.

Note to self: Boat ride not a good idea for active 16-month old boys.

By the time we got to Selera Putra for lunch, both boys were starving. It was just after 1pm and well after their regular lunch time. Since Abang ate well, he got a treat in the form of a Kit Kat ice-cream – you can see he obviously enjoyed it! Adik – who usually doesn’t require any form of bribery to eat his meals – was religiously following the One Currypuff Per Hand rule. Polished off within 10 minutes. (That was after his chicken rice.)

We were hoping for a touchdown in the car on the way back, but it was not to be. Can’t have it all, I guess!


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