Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Bribery Works!

Towards the end of the school year, Abang started to get a bit reluctant to go to kindergarten. Every other day he would try to weasel out of going to school. I think he could feel the holiday vibes on everyone and was in no mood to delay the holidays any longer than necessary.

Anyway, he’s been enjoying the holidays like other regular children. However, by the end of the second week we think he was getting bored. This conclusion came about when he told me, “Mom, I want to go to kindergarten for activities.”

Gasp, shock, horror!

Go to kindergarten? Who, you? You who had to be bribed and cajoled and dragged kicking and screaming to even go there in the first place?

Wow. Abang must be REALLY bored.

Not one to pass up a golden opportunity presented to me, I immediately got on the phone with his principal and asked if he can still sign up for the holiday activities. When we first got the flyer, I asked him about it and as expected he declined. She said sure, no problem, just send him on Monday. They’ll be making photo frames, fridge magnets, cooking muffins, painting on fabric and a host of other stuff. (Over a period of 2 weeks, that is, not one day.)

So come Monday, Abang was starting to get cold feet. I bet he regrets telling me he wanted to go! No amount of But-you’ll-have-fun and Hey-YOU-said-you-wanted-to-go and All-your-friends-will-be-there and It’s-not-nice-to-say-you’ll-go-then-not-turn-up did any good. Even a bribe worth a trip to 1Utama with Cuz to see Mickey Mouse couldn’t convince him.

Finally, I whipped out a lollipop (it’s ok, sugar-free!) and put it in his school bag and said, “Hey, would you like to have this at kindergarten later?”

“Yea, sure!” And off he went to wear his shoes.

There is a slight twist to this story. As we were getting into the car, he probably thought what a sucker (pun intended) he was to agree so readily and decided to throw in his own condition onto the negotiation table, “or the deal’s off”.

“I want to wear THIS baju!” he said in his very determined voice. He was referring to the regular clothes he was wearing.

I knew they weren’t expected to wear the uniform, but I played along. “Hmm … well I guess it should be ok. Alright then, you can wear this baju to kindergarten today.”

And so, a happy camper and his cousin thoroughly enjoyed themselves at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in 1Utama.


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