Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First Day of School

Update: See the bottom of the post for old (OLD) kindergarten and Standard 1 photos!
Do you remember your first day at school? Strangely enough, I think I do. I’m not sure whether it’s exactly what happened but I vaguely remember bits and pieces of my first day at primary school, back when it was called “Standard 1”.

Here’s some background. All through kindergarten, I cried my lungs out. I cried practically everyday. And everyday my teachers had to do something different to pacify me. (Or maybe they had 5 different methods and just repeated it every week, of all the sneaky...) The method I remember best was taking me to the edge of the kindergarten grounds to watch the cars whizzing past on the Federal Highway. For some reason, that helped to stop the crying.

Anyway, when I started Standard 1 I remember crying only once and from then onwards I didn’t cry anymore. It’s like I found the “OFF” switch. Actually, it was a little boy who helped me find the "OFF" switch.

Nudge-nudge-wink-wink? Hardly.

The class had been told to line up in a straight line. Remember how you would stretch your arms straight out and put your hands on the shoulders of the person in front of you? I guess we did that. After putting our arms down and while waiting for our next instructions, something happened behind me and I got shoved towards the boy in front of me. He didn’t like that at all!

So he turned around and slapped me.

It’s a wonder I didn’t cry everyday in Standard 1 after that incident. That wasn't very nice, to say the least, but that stopped the crying didn't it? Obviously I survived and without too much psychological damage (I think). Children are very resilient, as I have found out in the past 3+ years.

The other thing I remember was wearing a brand new school uniform (isn’t it time the uniform was revamped to look more modern? For God’s sake, children wore the same thing 30 years ago!). It was scratchy and stiff and not very comfortable. The only time I felt comfortable was wearing the PE uniform of comfortable cotton t-shirt and shorts.

Looks like I have to go hunting for some 30 year old photos …

Kindergarten Class of 1977

Standard 1 Class of 1978 - now where's the fella who slapped me...?


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