Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Sloths Unite!

I think this picture of Adik pretty much sums up the past few weeks for me. Slouching on the sofa watching some mindless politically incorrect children's show without any real urgency to "get anything done". Feeling extremely sloth-like, I didn’t do any of the work I had set myself to do and instead just basked in the glory of not having deadlines to meet and played with the boys a lot.

Yes, the boys are usually very active and boisterous, but even they know it's good to slow down once in a while. Well, once in a long while.

Anyway, since I'm having intermittent connection to blogger, I better not take too long with this post. (Something must be wrong with TMNuts.) Just some photos showing the boys relaxing and taking it easy.

We have much to learn from our children.


At 9:02 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

The one flat out in the wading pool is really cute :) Hope to meet Adik soon!

At 11:14 AM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Yea ... we like that too!


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