Thursday, February 08, 2007

Battered and Bruised

This week's match: MPV Vs. Giant Kelana Jaya Car Park
MPV (0) Giant Kelana Jaya Car Park (1)

To state the obvious, I scratched our MPV earlier this week. Basically, I misjudged the space I had to park and as I drove the car nose in I suddenly heard a heart-wrenching, metal-grinding "ccCCRRUNNCHHhhhh". Even the ladies walking back to their car which was parked in front of mine cringed when it happened. I could almost hear their, "Aaaiieee!" which pretty much mirrored mine, except that mine also had expletives sprinkled all over the place, none of which shall be repeated on this blog.

That put me in a real foul mood for the next 10 minutes on the road, repeating said expletives to any other vehicle that dared to honk at me!

As if that wasn't enough, the next day we had yet another match, this time at home.

Bathroom Wall Vs. Little Toe on the Left Foot
Bathroom Wall (1) def. Little Toe on the Left Foot (0)

Ok this one is downright silly. I was just walking out of the bathroom after giving Adik a bath when my left foot suddenly had a mind of its own and headed off towards the wall while the rest of my body made it out ok. I guess I must have been walking pretty fast ("Gotta get out of this bathroom, now, now, NOW!") because it was excrutiatingly painful and I had to limp after that.

Over the next few hours, my toe became swollen, bruises on it started to form and the base of the toe, at the top of the foot, had started to change to a paler shade of green. By night time all those things got worse so I figured better to get it checked out.

This morning, my friendly neighbourhood doctor looked at it and suspected a fracture. So off I limped to Sunway Hospital for an x-ray and a chance to say "hi" to the orthopaedic surgeon.

Now, Sunway Hospital has always been our choice hospital. They're friendly, competent, they have great facilities and there's always ample parking. But I guess I was just crankypants today having to explain (more than once) to various nurses and doctor's assistants why I was limping.

"Oh no! What happened?" they were genuinely concerned.

"I stubbed my toe." I was genuinely not in the mood to talk about it. Actually, I think the ego was bruised more than the foot.

"Did you fall down?"

"Uh, no, I just kind of *cough*cough* walked into a *ahem* wall," I replied, while thinking really hard how to change the subject.

"Did you trip?"

Sigh. Stop making excuses for me, dammit! I was a clumsy idiot for that split second and now I'm at the hospital answering silly questions.

"No, no ... um, no."

"Oh." Realisation sets in - ting! The lightbulb has come ON. "Never mind, it's ok, these things happen. Come, take a seat first, we'll call you in a little while."

: Oh, so you were a clumsy idiot for a split second and now you're at the hospital.

20 minutes and RM195 later, I limped back to the car with a bandage on my foot and drove home. Good thing it was my left foot and I could still drive. How ironic that I am in the midst of doing some research on "Safety Tips at Home". I'm wondering if I should add the following:

"Pay attention when you walk out of the bathroom so you don't stub and fracture your toe."

Thank goodness this week is almost over!


At 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry to hear that you lose on both matches

At 11:35 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Well, as they told me at the hospital, "These things happen..."

At least neither injury was serious.



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