Wednesday, January 24, 2007

There’s a Mole in the Family!

And his name is … Abang.

It’s true. Abang has gotten me into trouble with Daddy on more than one occasion. The first time was when Daddy wanted to help Abang brush his teeth. Abang insisted on squeezing the toothpaste onto his toothbrush by himself.

Daddy resisted, “No, Abang, you might squeeze too much. This is something only adults should do.”

“But Mummy let me do it.”

Oh dear. Immediately I got The Stare. “Hey, no, wait a minute. I, um, well…” Suddenly I’m all flustered. The Stare continued.

“Ok, I only let him do that with the children’s toothpaste, not the regular Colgate,” I tried to explain myself while giving Abang The Stare, but it’s totally lost on him.

“Uh-huh,” Daddy’s not convinced at all.

“Little blabbermouth,” I muttered to myself. Daddy just laughed.

The next time, it was about putting my hair mousse on his hair. Same script – “But Mummy let me”, followed by The Stare only this time it was accompanied by a smirk.

“Hey, I choose my battles, ok? Anyway, I don’t let him put it on by himself, I do it for him,” again I had to justify myself. (And yes, occasionally Abang goes to kindergarten with spiky hair! He looks kinda cute.)

Last week it was, “But Mummy let me bring my toy to kindergarten.” I think as long as the toy is not too big and not obviously expensive, it’s ok. After all, some of the younger children bring their bantal busuk to kindergarten!

The best Blabbermouth Story was when we lost him at Tesco on Christmas morning. To cut a long story short, I made the mistake of asking him to wait at the water cooler while Daddy and I went grocery shopping. He got impatient and went looking for us. Eventually, a very nice Uncle Tesco took him, all cried out, to the customer service counter.

Needless to say, Daddy and I made absolutely sure this little (but very traumatic) incident didn't reach the grandparents. Unfortunately, Little Blabbermouth himself told the story to ALL the grandparents, the very people we were shielding the story from. Not to mention he told our maid, too, "Bik! Hari tu Abang hilang dekat Tesco, Bik!"

Blabbermouth indeed. Man, the grandparents gave us a lot of crap for that!


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