Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Things that Make You Go “Eeww!”

I thought after becoming a parent, I wouldn’t be so easily grossed out. Admittedly my "Eeww" Meter is not as sensitive as before, but still some things gross me out.

I remember when Abang was born, those first couple of days at the hospital Daddy and I basked in the glory of having someone else do all the diaper changing. Then we realised, Oh crap (pun intended), when we get home we’ll have to do all that ourselves, perhaps we should learn from the nurses while we’re here.

The nurse gave us such a strange look when we told her we wanted to “learn how to clean the baby’s bottom”. If I recall, it was a Bloody-First-Time-Parent kind of look. Anyway, it just so happened Abang did a MAJOR poop job. Like, Oh My God, it was all over the diaper and after the initial, “Eeeww!” my next thought was, how did something so small produce something so … so … nasty? And so much too!

Eventually we got used to it. I know many moms other than myself who don’t think twice about washing our children’s bottoms halfway through our meal and then after a thorough hand wash, just resume the half-eaten meal!

One thing that still makes me go “eeww” is when my mom swats a cockroach. No tools, no rolled up newspaper, no old Economist magazine – just her bare hands. EEEWWwwww!! I even have to look away when I know she’s about to pounce.

Then my latest “eeww” moment was when we had our plumber over a few months ago. We had a couple of clogged sinks and the drain hole in the shower stall was a little slow in draining the water.

When he was done with the sink, I told him about the drain hole in the shower stall. He flipped open the cover, shined his flashlight down the hole and said, “Aaahhh … ada batu la.” That’s when he REALLY grossed me out.

He stuck his hand and practically his whole arm down the hole to get the stone out. I stood there, wide-eyed, my “eeww” sound frozen in my throat, wondering if I should run away screaming or just stand there and politely nod, “Oh, ya ke?”

I chose the latter.

He went on, “Waa… banyak besar ini batu! Ini masa buat rumah punya batu dia masuk situ.” He looked almost pleased with his find. Then he proceeded to wash it.

I can’t imagine what for. Eeww!


At 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes ...ant j had to use the "ah well at least it's hard poop" mentality when dealing with 1st poop event with Abang... - Ant J

At 6:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha hilarious account of ur 'eeww' experience....


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