Thursday, February 01, 2007

Early to Bed, Early to Rise ...

... Makes Mummy So Damn Sleepy!

Daddy and I have always been early birds. Even before the children came along, we'd be up and about on weekends by around 7, or 7:30am at the latest. Nobody told us that our children would beat us to it.

When Abang was a baby, he was quite the fusspot. On more than one occasion, he even woke up at some ungodly hour like 5am, all bright-eyed and ready to tackle the day, only to go back down for a nap at 7am and then up for the day by 8am. I remember thinking, "Eh? How come other people's children can wake up at 'normal' times like 8:30am or 9am?" In fact, a friend of ours used to complain that their son would be up "so early" at 8:30am (obviously his parents are not morning people!). What we wouldn't do to get that!

I think for all of his less-than-4-years of life, Abang has woken up as late as 7:45am probably twice. Nowadays it can vary wildly between 5am and 6:45am. Adik seems to be following in his footsteps. Adik used to be a bit better, waking up fairly regularly at around 7am. Then slowly but surely, his internal alarm clock started going off earlier and earlier. The past few weeks he's been waking up between 5:45am and 6:15am.

Even though it's nice to get woken up to the sound of, "Mum-meee? Mum-meee?" it would be even nicer if that sound came an hour later. Just one hour.

(Having said that, my sister and her husband are both not morning people but their children are VERY morning people. AJ has been known to tiptoe into his parents' room in the wee hours of the morning and then yell out, "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO! COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!")

Anyway, take today, for example. Adik was up at 5:45am and then Abang 15 minutes later, saying he needed to "do a big one". So by the time it was 8am, they have, literally, been up for hours. And they still want/ need to do normal stuff like go to the playground. Mummy managed to drag herself there, thinking it's better than watching some mind-numbing TV, and even Harun followed us!

Luckily for me, Ant Ja had offered to take Abang out for lunch and then a trip to the park in Taman Tun. On their way to lunch at 11:15am he fell asleep in her car! That's how tired he was, but if he were at home he'd fight sleep like the devil itself and there's no way he'd go down for a nap.

This evening, in another attempt to get the boys to not watch TV, we made some makeshift slides with the sofa cushions. I'm not sure if that tired them out more, or me.

I vote me.


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