Thursday, February 15, 2007

Tired Kittens

The boys and I had another long day today. (So what else is new?) Together with my parents, we headed to Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, to fetch my auntie. She'd been there the past few weeks attending to some major roof repairs.

On the way there, we stopped by Sg Ujong Club in Seremban. It's a very nice quaint old club where we've been members for as long as I can remember. This stopover at the club has long been a tradition of ours whenever we balik kampung. It was nice to have both boys run around there for a bit. Abang has been there before, but this is Adik's first time.

When we got to the kampung house, my auntie was all ready for the trip home. How nice for her then, when we pulled up and Abang yelled, "Wan! Wan! I miss you, Wan!" He then proceeded to give her a big ole bear hug. When I took Adik out of his car seat and he saw her he immediately stretched his arms out for her to carry him. She was so pleased!

On the way home, both the boys passed out. Besides them obviously needing their rest, it was also nice for my parents and I to have a "real" conversation without the constant "MOM!" interruption. When we arrived home, it was 3:30pm and both of them woke up feeling quite refreshed although somewhat hungry as they were just too excited to eat anything.

By 3:45pm Abang and I were out the door again, headed to Tumbletots 1Utama where he has his Gymbobs class. He was so revved up, it made me even more tired just watching him! After class we went to look for some new pyjamas for him and by the time we left 1Utama it was 6pm. Peak hour traffic plus heavy rain. Just great.

An hour later we were finally home. After awhile it seemed like both boys were revving up again - a clear sign that they're overtired from today's adventures. Before I could bring Adik upstairs to wind down and sleep, he got shoved by Abang, fell and smacked his forehead on the dining table leg. Benjol terus. Poor thing screamed his lungs out and so did Abang after he realised what he'd done. (Just before bedtime Abang apologised to Adik for that incident - we made them "hug".)

So now all the kittens are asleep... and it's Mummy's turn now.


At 3:07 PM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

hi ya! tagging is like being "it". its your turn to either answer some questions or in this case, blog on why you blog :) its optional.

At 3:08 PM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

eh forgot to wish you safe trip and a great holiday. say hi to audrey, darren, declan and dylan!

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to seeing her- it's been, what, 18 years??


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