Monday, March 19, 2007

Blasts From the Past

Once upon a time, back in my *ahem* younger days when I used to drive faster than I do now, I crashed and wrecked my car, resulting in it being a write-off. The damage was quite extensive and the quote to repair it was about 1.5 times the value of the car, even after the quote was adjusted downwards.

I remember exactly what happened. After going too fast for my own good on a wet and slippery road around a bend, I lost control and in my panic, I had without even realising it pressed down hard on the accelerator pedal. So the car was swerving left, right, left, right. When I realised the engine was screaming because it was trying to go at full speed, I immediately lifted my foot off the pedal. And that's when the wheels straightened again and the car stopped swerving.

Good news, but only if the wheels had straightened when the car was facing stratight towards the road. Unfortunately, at that time it was headed for the concrete curb you see on the left of the picture. I took the picture after the AAM folks had pulled it out of the curb and placed it ready to be towed.

Then, a few months ago, I saw my old car! It was out and about near Selayang and it was a bright red colour with bigger rims and a bodykit. I asked a friend of mine who sells insurance and she said that technically, it is possible to re-register a car that was written off, as long as Puspakom certifies that it is indeed roadworthy again.

So there you go - apparently it is possible!

Another blast from the past happened just a couple of weeks ago.

This is a funny story. Ant J had her old Peugot for, what, 7 years I think and was accident-free and did not suffer any major mishaps. The day, THE VERY DAY, that we took it to the second-hand car dealer to sell it was the day the windscreen got hit by a rock and created a really big crack in it. It was obviously protesting at being let go.

Then, 11 years down the line, I saw Ant J's old Peugot running around on the LDP! I didn't realise it was still alive and kicking.

Talk about the heebie-jeebies.


At 3:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

blast from the past indeed - when the BIG stone hit the car i remembered both of us looking at each other with absolute horor which then went to looks of frustration :-). And i remember going nuts when i spotted it in Terengganu earlier as well - Ant J

At 8:11 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Ya it's a really bizarre feeling when that happens.

I'm still on the lookout for your ex-Waja. :)

At 10:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will do anything for a blast of my past


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