Thursday, March 08, 2007


I got tagged by joeina on idiosyncrasies. Hmmm ... where do I start? Initially I thought this can't be difficult, I'm sure I've got a lot of peculiarities and I can blog about. Then I sat down and thought about it and nothing came to mind! Is that a peculiarity?

Then I checked with Daddy and he got the ball rolling by reminding me about the time I arranged plugs in my parents' kitchen. Read on at your own peril:

1. I am a bit of a neat freak and my idiosyncrasies mostly relate to neatness. A very clear example was many years ago, when Daddy and I were still dating and I was living at my parents' house with my sister (not at all a neat freak) and brother (probably a healthy balance between my sister and me).

My parents' house is an old house which didn't have many plug points in the house. It was built back when there weren't too many electrical appliances to use in the home. Anyway, the kitchen had this one plug point which we used for many items - kettle, microwave, etc. To avoid overloading that socket, we would just use one appliance at a time. Which posed a problem for the Neat Freak Society (i.e. me) because all these wires were all over the kitchen counter. So I went out and bought 'plug holders' to stick on the wall, which would neatly hold the plugs and the wires would just dangle down against the wall. Nice, I thought, very neat.

Geez, my sister thought, bloody neat freak. And she would purposely switch the plugs around so that the wires criss-cross each other against the wall. It was so funny, because I would walk in the kitchen, see the wires all criss-crossed and immediately (almost without thinking) set about re-arranging them.

One time when it was neatly arranged, I went to the kitchen and when she saw me she started criss-crossing them, all the while giving me this evil look. I didn't realise at the time that she was just sakat-ing me and I gave her a what-are-you-doing-that-for look and put them back neatly. That's when she ran out of the kitchen screaming.

2. I'm a bit anal when it comes to the children's toys. I go nuts if one piece from a set is missing - the whole set must always be together. For example, those shape sorter toys. It really bugs me if there are 9 shapes and I can only find 7, or 8. I start moving furniture to see if it crawled under the sofa or cabinet. Similary with legos, Thomas train sets, crayons and colour pencils. Right now Adik's crayon set is missing 2 colours and I'm pulling my hair out.

3. I'm also a bit anal about not mixing different toys in the same box. Sure, they have one general toy box to stuff non-categorised toys (not that I categorise toys, really, but I mean loose toys). But legos must ALL be in the lego box, Thomas train set pieces must ALL be in the Thomas bag, shape sorters ALL go into the shape sorter container. And jigsaw puzzles are, of course, always in their respective boxes and never mixed up.

Woe betide anyone who puts the children's - gasp! - books into the toy box.

4. On a separate note, I can move my ears without touching them! (And without anyone else touching them, either.)

I'd write some more but I'm beginning to scare myself just reading this.

Adeline, you're next. You're it!


At 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

uh..and you wonder where your firstborn gets his neat streak from when he arranges all the shoes neatly - in pairs - in a row..or when he starts picking up rubbish thrown on the jalan in the park so that he can put it in the trashcan :-p - ant j

At 4:35 PM , Blogger NalisaMiharbiā„¢ said...

Do you know who you remind me of?

Who else if not the wacky neat-freak Monica of the TV sitcom FRIENDS.....hehehe...

Better her than the MONK guy, you know the one with the obsessive-compulsive disorder...he's the worst but I really love that guy.

Granted, he's nuts but funny nuts.

But you, I hope you're not the high-strung type of neat-freak. Oooo....scary....

At 6:28 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

No la, I'm not as bad as Monica. Right? Right, Ant J? ... Right, Daddy? Somebody? ... Anybody?

Monk is OCD - a different breed altogether :)

At 6:32 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

By the way, Ant J, I think more people should be picking up rubbish off the parks and putting them in rubbish bins, don't you?

(Actually, I'll settle for fewer people littering.)

I have to say, I'm rather proud when he does that.

Now, the arranging shoes thing ... sigh. Dunno la. But at least shows creativity when he arranges them in a semi-circle :-P


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