Tuesday, March 13, 2007

How to Wear a Songkok

Abang and Adik have recently taken to wearing the songkok. They obviously notice Atok wearing it regularly and decided it's the way to go.

One day I took Abang to play at Kizsports and he took his songkok and wore it to 1Utama. The Kizsports staff were most amused! Of course he took it off when he was playing, but once he was done and we were ready to go, he put it back on again. Later he told Ant J, "Ant J, today I wore my songkok to Kizsports you know, just like Atok. Atok wears his songkok everywhere."

And when Abang starts doing something, Adik follows suit (I see a trend here for the next 15 years or so). Whenever he sees the songkok lying around, he immediately wears it. When he sees both his and Abang's songkok, he tries to wear both at the same time!

It's the perfect distraction item for the car if he becomes fussy. In fact, I managed to get some shots of him putting it on, almost as if showing me how to put it on.

"First, check for size: Are you sure it's yours and not your grandfather's?"

"Now, slowly slip it slowly over your face..."

"Easy does it..."

"And, ta-dah!"

Nothing to it. Even a toddler can wear one!


At 10:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

so kiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut!!!! I want to pinch your boy boy's cheeks!!!!

At 6:14 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Haha! Bunnywunny will have to get in line for that!

Of course, I am very perasan about my kids. But then, all proud parents are. :)


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