Thursday, March 15, 2007

Holiday Headache

Abang has been having a rather exciting week, this week being school holidays. As I organise activities for him, I notice that our stash of panadol is fast depleting.

On Tuesday, I took him to IKEA bright and early for brunch with Auntie Adeline and Little A, J and K.

It turns out Little A and Little J were both at Smaland already when we arrived. But that's ok, because Abang wouldn't leave my side anyway, except to play in the little play area at the main restaurant while I went to get our food. It was nice, not too zoolike, and Abang got some solid Mummy time (he has some pent-up anger lately, for reasons I won't go into right now, so one-on-one time helps a great deal).

After that, we offered to take Little A with us to have lunch with my parents and Cuz. That was nice because Abang had never really taken to playing with Little A and Little J - I think he's a bit intimidated because they're both rather, shall we say, exuberant and he's quite timid. Still, that day was a different matter altogether. They got along like a house on fire!

On Wednesday, it was Pusat Sains Negara with Cuz. It's currently free entry until the end of the month in conjunction with an exhibition they have on there. A lot of really cool stuff for the kids to play with and experiment.

Today, it was swimming at Cuz's apartment pool with Adik as well. Adik's just recovered from a bout of flu so I thought he would have fun too. And he did! Initially he was a bit hesitant about getting into the wading pool. Then when he saw Abang and me do it, he came in and his face just lit up. I forgot their floaties, so the 3 of us stayed in the wading pool while Cuz swam in the regular pool but occasionally joined us.

At one point, Abang gave me a huge hug while I was sitting in the wading pool and the 3 of us got dunked underwater. Adik came up with this "WHOA! Wtf was that?" look on his face. Abang and I laughed at the whole thing and Abang said, "That was my fault, I'm sorry mom!"

After a full hour of splashing in the pool, it was time to get out. I had intended for Abang to get some lunch followed by a nap. It seemed like the perfect mix of ingredients - tired out from swimming and food in the tummy. (Adik didn't have a problem falling asleep in the car.) That's because he had class at Tumble Tots later in the evening and I wanted him to be rested for that.

But, nope, he steadfastly refused to nap. Then I thought, ok, maybe if he naps on the way to 1Utama that might be enough too.

Nope. Nothing happening. Then after his class I stuffed him silly with an early dinner before leaving 1Utama, fully expecting him to fall asleep in the car on the way home and go through the night.

Didn't happen.

I got to start adjusting my expectations. And buying more panadol, too. But at least Abang's good mood moments more than make up for the not-so-good mood moments. Both Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde would be so proud of him!


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