Saturday, May 12, 2007

How Disgusting!

This is a slight deviation from my usual posting about how cute our 2 boys are, but I really have to blog this.

On Friday afternoon, my sister was caught in a traffic jam which took her 45 minutes to get from Handimart in Sec. 14 to the Rothmans roundabout. For those who know PJ, you will know that you can usually whizz down that road in about 15 seconds.

When she had almost reached the roundabout, a Big Black BMW SUV tried to squeeze past her Waja, in the process scraping the right side of her car from the petrol tank all the way to her door. As soon as she heard the god-awful scraping sounds, she frantically tried to get their attention, basically to tell them to STOP DRIVING BECAUSE YOU'RE RUINING MY CAR.

She managed to make eye contact with the passenger while pointing to her car, and eventually, they stopped. They stopped just before snapping off the side mirror but after it had been scraped. Obviously my sister had to move first because if the Big Black BMW SUV had moved any further, my sister's side mirror would definitely have broken off.

Then the Big Black BMW SUV passenger signaled to my sister pull over at the side of the road. She found an opening and stopped there.

Those Big Black BMW SUV a$$h0le$ then just DROVE OFF!!!

My very close friends will know the 3-letter abbreviation I like to use in these situations, but for the purposes of this blog, I'll just say "HOW DISGUSTING". Honestly. There are some really disgusting people out there.

My sister and I tried to think up various curses for them but she was too disgusted and needed a coffee to calm down and I couldn't remember Ant J's favourite curse - something about The Dung from A Thousand Flea-infested Camels Raining Upon You or something like that.

Anyway, I have since come up with a few of my own:

1. May the Pee of A Thousand Tomcats Saturate the Leather Steering Wheel of Your Big Black BMW SUV.

2. May the Alam Flora Truck Do the Same to You that You Did to My Sister and then Tip Over the Rubbish into Your Big Black BMW SUV, Intentionally or Otherwise.

3. May the Poop of A Dozen Stray Dogs Cake onto the Tyres of Your Big Black BMW SUV and Cause You to Gag and Vomit While Driving to the Nearest Tyre Shop.

My sister's not had a good month - a couple of weeks ago, her car (yes, the same unfortunate Waja!) had the window smashed in. Then, this happened, and as mentioned, after a 45 minute traffic jam WHICH was after a 3-hour trip to University Hospital getting Cuz's arm put in a cast because he sprained it when he fell running around after school waiting for my parents to fetch him. (Daddy's wondering if he was running around playing fetch.)

Cuz reckons the Big Black BMW SUV had Perak number plates with some 8's in it, but can't be sure. Anyway, who cares. Like my sister said, if bad luck befalls those a$$hole$, "we ain't gonna be crying."

We return to our regularly scheduled programme on Monday.


At 9:50 PM , Blogger The Forgetful One! said...

How horrid!!! Argghhhh!

Well, my mentor did say, "no rest for the wicked."

Yes, may they NOT find rest until they own up for this terrible crime.

Meanwhile, may your sister find herself with a spanking new car!

At 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

cool - new long winded curses for me to us :-). We could also wish them to have perpetual diarehea for the rest of their lives too.... - Ant J

At 9:03 AM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Cool. May they NOT find rest, especially while nursing perpetual diarrhoea.

I can deal with that!


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