Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I Love my Kids!

They were being so cute today. I took them to IOI mall (yes, my auntie came along too - I'm not suicidal you know) to check out the curtain shop there. Our 7-year old curtains are, literally, koyak so we need to replace them asap.

It being a curtain shop, there wasn't much for the boys to see. After some time, Adik was getting quite antsy in his stroller and wanted to roam free. Abang was content to explore the shop which, it turns out, has a lot more than curtains!

In a bid to get them to not - or, rather, to stop - running around the shop, I asked Adik to please hold Abang's hand; and for Abang to please hold Adik's hand. (I figured that ought to slow 'em down.)

They immediately held out their hands to each other and walked around hand-in-hand. Alaaa, so cute. Of course that didn't stop Abang from trying to run but he was somewhat slowed down by Adik and in the end it looked like Abang was pulling Adik all over the place. Looked a bit "untidy" but never mind, it did slow them down a bit, it did look cute and as we left they both said a nice "Thank you" and "BYE!" to the sales people.

So I belanja them some McDonalds after that and gave them some play time at the play area where Abang made a friend. How not to chaeng right? So awesomely cute and well behaved. Although I suspect my auntie was thinking less of me, seeing as I was more interested in taking pictures of my children running around the shop than stopping them from actually running around the shop.

Later at home I took Adik to go pee in my bathroom. I'm starting to toilet train him after getting hints from our pediatrician at our last visit. "Can he tell you yet that he needs to go?" he asked me. "Um, sometimes," I replied trying to put an end to this line of questioning. "Ok, that's good." He just left it at that... Dammit ... I know what you mean, Doc, and I know you know that I know what you mean!

Anyway, it's not so bad since there are 3 adults at home in the daytime - me, maid, auntie. I figured I might as well start now when there are many hands at home. So, after his visit to the loo, I naturally had to do some clean up in the toilet (his aim ain't quite so good, y'know) so I let him out of the bathroom. Since the TV in my room happened to be on at that time, he decided to make himself very comfortable on my bed. Going commando under my covers - good thing he had just gone to pee.

And he's quite the poser too, it seems. Must be his brother's influence!


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