Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Those Ferocious Storms

The storms lately have been really fierce. Today it rained quite heavily and there was some thunder and lightning, but not as bad as yesterday's. Luckily, yesterday we were in the comforts and safety of our home.

The boys as usual wanted to curl up with me downstairs while it was storming away outside. Our maid told me that she had closed all the windows upstairs, but I decided it was worth a check because the strong winds were just lashing the heavy rain directly onto the windows. So I put the boys down on the couch and told Abang, "Abang you teman Adik for a little while. Mummy needs to just run upstairs to check that the windows are all closed, ok?"

He said ok so I rushed upstairs to do a quick check. While I was up there, there was a very bright flash of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder. Fully expecting to hear a piercing scream from either or both boys, I rushed downstairs to be with them only to see this:

So cute, they were both snuggled together and not in any obvious distress, although they definitely would have preferred it if there was no storm. That's when I managed to sneak up on them and snap the picture.

Of course, as soon as they saw me then Adik got all whiny and Abang, upon seeing me take pictures, started making all sorts of funny faces.

Last Saturday, however, we were caught in the thick of the storm while driving to my parents' house. Wow, that was nasty! When we left our house it wasn't even raining. By the time we got to PJ the rain was coming down in sheets and the wind was so strong that while we were stopped at the traffic lights, our MPV swayed! In fact, at one point the wind was blowing the rain directly onto the windscreen and I had to pull over and stop because I couldn't see anything beyond the car bonnet.

Hope we don't get caught in another one of these.


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