Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Doing the Unthinkable

Wow, the storms lately have been pretty fierce. On Saturday night, there was a lightning strike very near our house and the loud "BOOM" scared all the kittens - the 2-legged ones as well as the 4-legged ones. Then, yesterday, although not as fierce as Saturday night's storm, there was another lightning strike pretty nearby and I had Abang and Adik both taking comfort on my lap.

I hope the lightning strikes weren't meant for me (and hence missed me!) since I did the unthinkable last week. Yes, I confess, I ... sigh ... parked at a yellow line by the roadside, obviously not a designated parking spot, just to run in to the bank and deposit a cheque.

Abang would be appalled and disappointed if he found out (all you potential ratfinks out there - don't even think about it!). He's always going on about people "not parking properly". In fact, several times he has said, "Some people just DON'T KNOW HOW TO PARK" really loudly when the car owner who's blocking our car comes and moves his car.

Once we were having lunch at Pizza Hut at Tesco Mutiara Damansara and we sat at the table that looks out to the open air parking lot. There was a Satria parked at the side of the curb, obviously not in a "proper" parking spot and he stared at it for the longest time before saying, "Mummy, that Satria is not in a parking spot, kan?"

So I had a good look and agreed with him, "Yes, you're right. That's not a parking spot."

"Naughty Uncle Satria!"

Early last week, I was out and about with Abang and we had to turn back at some point because we forgot something. When I went straight at the traffic lights, he asked why I had not made a U-turn there. So I informed him that there was a "No U-turn" sign (an upside down U with a slash across it) at the traffic lights. He wanted me to show him the traffic sign but it was long gone so I promised to point another one out to him.

Since then, everytime he sees a "No U-turn" sign, he announces, "CANNOT make a U-turn!" He has also become very eager to learn other road signs. So we've taught him easy signs like the "Can make a U-turn" (a blue upside down U), "No parking" (a big red X), "roundabout" and others like "Dead end road".

Anyway, the good thing about all this is that I find myself obeying traffic rules more consistently (read: I don't break the law as often!) since Big Brother (literally) is constantly watching my every move.

Hence why I keep expecting lightning to strike me anytime.


At 11:17 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

i am so glad that abang is learning about setting good standards of driving and parking at such a young age! way to go mummy! i guess we do sometimes bend the rules but we get to live another day to try to set the standards higher or at least meet the standards :)

At 11:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

alamak..i guess Ant J also have to be good about driving and parking especially when he rides with me :-) ha..wait till he starts learning about speed limits! - Aant J

At 3:21 PM , Blogger adeline said...

Little A used to do that, "Some people just can't drive, right mommy?"

Errr...err... wonder where he got that from?

At 10:07 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Haha, good one Little A!

Yes, Ant J, I wonder where Abang got that some-people-don't-know-how-to-park phrase? :)

Actually I've had to explain a little about speed limits because he reads out the numbers on the speed limit signs and would then ask me what those numbers mean.

Speaking of "bending the rules", it's amazing how kids can spot inconsistencies. I think we adults generally underestimate them. As young as 2.5years old, I remember Abang asking me, "Why last week can?" I don't remember the exact situation but it was obviously a case when something was not allowed that day but was allowed the previous week.


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