Thursday, March 22, 2007

Drama at High Noon

Tuesday was a day full of drama and it started well before noon.

First, I was stuck in the peak-hour, rain-induced traffic jam from hell. I left the house at 8am for a one-day training in PJ which started at 9am, thinking that should be sufficient time for me to get there, find parking and join in. Unfortunately, the heavy rain that morning wreaked havoc on the roads and I ended up arriving at the training at 10am, instead of 9am.

Imagine that, 2 hours on the road just to go 15km (if that). I could have gone to Seremban AND come back in that time.

Then, while I was at the training, I got a call from my mom. Since I had a full-day training to attend, my parents came over to fetch Abang from kindergarten and then hang out at our house to watch/ play with the boys. Just after lunch she called to say our maid fell, cut her shin and is "bleeding profusely".

Good thing they were there! So after cleaning the wound as best they could, they packed her and Adik in their car and headed straight for Sunway Hospital. Abang stayed home with my auntie (better to split the boys up, less stress for everyone). At the hospital, the A&E folks immediately attended to her. Because the cut was very deep, the doctor suggested an x-ray of her lower left leg as well just in case there was a fracture. It turns out the bone wasn't fractured.

While she waited to get stitched up (6 stitches in total), my parents then took Adik with them to go fetch Cuz from school. Since all this happened so suddenly, there was no time to try and re-schedule anybody else to fetch him. Plus, since our maid was being attended to, they figured they can let her rest and wait at the hospital until they come back after fetching Cuz from school and sending him to his tuition class.

In fact, in their (understandable) haste to get her to the hospital, they forgot to bring Adik's shoes or even a fresh diaper. So Adik had to be carried around all the time in a sagging diaper and Atok maintains that Adik was "very co-operative" the whole time at the hospital.

By the time I came home - a journey which took only 25 minutes - everybody was back too. I went to ask our maid how she was when I noticed that the safety gate to the kitchen was not there.

According to the adults in the house, Abang had shaken it until he managed to dislodge it off the wall and either a) he fell on it, or b) it fell on him. No major damage done, except maybe to the wall which had paint flakes scraped off it. Oh, and Abang was fine.

After all that happened during the day, I just put the safety gate back and didn't ask anymore questions. I'm not sure I was ready for more drama!


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