Sunday, April 15, 2007

Apples and Oranges

You know how you can't compare apples and oranges? Well, here are our very own Apple and Orange, through the months and years.

Here they are, as newborns.

These pictures were taken during their respective "kekah" ceremonies.

Yes, Adik is wearing the same robe that Abang used for his kekah.

A few months later ...

I took the pictures at exactly the same spot, although the sofa had been re-upholstered by the time I took Adik's picture, and at the same age.

Here they are when they were 8 months old.
Interestingly enough, in both pictures, it was Nenek carrying them.

And this is the latest apples-and-oranges comparison I can do.
These pictures were taken when they were 20 months old.


At 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are precious! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

At 7:39 AM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi Kash

Your welcome. I was actually cleaning up my pictures folders, looking at various "old" photos of Abang, when I thought of doing this.

I guess I can understand now why some people swear that they look alike, while others say they look very different.



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