Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More Adventure!

It never occurred to me that I would have so many adventures, being a full time mom. Regular stuff like fetching Abang from kindergarten and going to Tesco can, in itself, be an adventure.

Yesterday, on our way home from kindergarten, Abang said he wanted to go a "different way". He does this all the time, and I usually let him lead and tell me which way to go since he has an excellent sense of direction and I know we won't get lost.

Just around the corner from the house, he said, "Mummy I need to kencing." Yes, we've read about this before, haven't we? A-ha! But this time it's different. Of course I rushed, and as I clicked to open the gate, he said, "Mummy, I'm trying very hard to keep the kencing inside my ko-teh."

"Ok, ok, just hang in there, we have to wait for the gate to open." Luckily the gate worked!

As we pulled into the garage, I heard a "shhhhhhhh...." sound coming from his booster seat and Abang had "uh-oh" written all over his face! Good thing his booster seat held most of his pee. Anyway, no major damage, save for Abang's ego but I think we both handled that well.

Today, when I fetched him from kindergarten, he was already walking away from the gate and I tried to get him to wave and say "bye-bye" to his friends. So he turned around and yelled "BYE SITI! BYE ISHAD!" but instead of stopping he continued walking, and then he tripped and fell.

Aiyaa ... make me feel like a real heel, why don't you? He didn't cry, but in the car he showed me his knee which was grazed and had started to bleed (just a little tiny bit). ALL the more I felt so bad, so when he asked for a Winnie the Pooh plaster from Tesco I readily agreed. Need to ease my guilt, you know.

Remembering what happened yesterday, I asked if he needed to pee and he said no, he had gone to pee at kindergarten. Ok, we should be safe until we get to Tesco. Unfortunately, while we were pushing the trolley around the toiletries section he made his dreaded announcement.

I was getting tired of saying, "Aiya." We rushed to the loo but on the way there he said, "Mummy, my shoes are wet from my kencing."

Aiya! So we cleaned up as much as we could in the loo and went back to the car for his spare clothes which he always brings to school. Good thing he wasn't using them already.

After that it was fairly adventure-free for us.

Then, of course, we have Adik walking around with a pail over his head. I took a video of it too, and I'm going to have fun showing it at his wedding many years from now.


At 1:20 PM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

had to explain to david what ko-teh means :) he didn't study BM but had a good laugh after i explained!

At 4:41 PM , Blogger NalisaMiharbiā„¢ said...

cute pix of adik... comel :)

At 1:09 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Oh dear Tracy, I hope David's not learning dodgy BM words from my blog.

When my sister saw the video of Adik walking around with a baldi on his head, she was reminded of the movie 'Parenthood' where one of the little boys was also walking around, banging his head against walls, with a baldi over his head.



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