Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Invisible Car

Sometimes I wonder if I drive an invisible car. It's actually a rather large MPV and even though it's grey and could be mistaken for part of the road, I still wonder how come many other road users seem to not see me.

Countless times I have had other cars - big and small - driven by clueless people - men and women - that suddenly felt the need to change lanes right in front of me, making sure that they almost scrape my car but somehow, through the alignment of the stars and planets at that very moment, don't.

Then when I start muttering to myself, Abang will very helpfully chime, "He cut line!!"

Yes, dear Abang, you will soon learn that things that go on at kindergarten also happen in the adult world. You'd think that after years of schooling that we'd get to grips with queueing up, minding our Ps and Qs, being polite and all that other mumbo-jumbo parents try to teach their children but don't do it themselves, and evidently it's slipping from our grasp.

If I continue to mutter and grumble - obviously without any profanity, there are children around! - then Adik will ask, "Why, Mummy? Why?"

"Oh, nothing, Adik. Just some people out there who don't know how to drive. Don't worry, we'll all get used to it."

Sad but true!


At 12:10 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

i also don't understand it - really after so many years of school and learning how to line up to buy food or for anything plus learning to be orderly every monday at assembly - why can't we be traffic rule abiding citizens. i am a very pedantic driver. i actually plan my route in my head before setting out - this minimizes the act of suddenly changing lanes! and it also helps to tell drivers out there that the roads don't grow another lane or suddenly lead elsewhere. sorry - this is my pet peeve too!

At 12:35 AM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

That's ok - rant away! :)

I reckon it's crappy driver's ed plus crappy enforcement. We might be taught that weaving in and out of lanes and tailgating are dangerous but that rarely gets you a ticket.


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