Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Trouble on the Horizon?

As expected, Abang thoroughly enjoyed the school holidays - sleepovers, trips here and there, swimming... just non-stop fun! Still, at one point he told Daddy that he misses his friends at school. How typical: when school term is in, they can't wait for the holidays, when it's school holidays, they miss their friends and can't wait to go back.

I guess after getting used to not having to go to kindergarten, the first day of school saw Abang whimpering, "I don't want to go class. I want to stay home." It seemed like a half-hearted attempt at trying to weasel out of going to school and the adults managed to talk/ distract him out of it.

He had a rather prolonged goodbye with Daddy at kindergarten, obviously reluctant to restart class, but eventually he went in. Mummy fetched him at noon without any obvious signs of distress.

How different Tuesday was! First breakfast, then a shower and his uniform was donned on him. Suddenly all hell broke loose. He started crying and crying, insisting that he didn't want to go to kindergarten. Then he made his way under the dining table and threw a massive tantrum there. There was no way I could force the issue, but I knew also that I couldn't reward him for doing that. Since I had planned to go out with Adik while he was at school, I had to make it very clear to him that he couldn't join us.

Plus, he kept saying that he wasn't well and just wanted to baring-baring at home until school lets out.

When Daddy came home, he asked, "So did Abang go to school?"

I said, "No."

"Wow. So how are you going to handle it tomorrow?" he asked.

"I don't know. I'm just taking it one day at a time."

It turns out, the next day, Abang was bright as day, all happy and active and without one iota of fuss when he wore his uniform. He even declared that he wanted "Daddy to send". He got his wish, but when I fetched him, as he was trying to get his shoes he started crying a rather sad cry (as opposed to an angry cry).

Trouble looms ahead ...


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