Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oh No! I'm Raising a Hippie.

UPDATE: At Nenek's house yesterday, Abang almost rescued his first kitten! The poor little kitten was obviously very poorly and a bit disoriented and Abang got the carrier out from Ant J's room, all ready to take the kitten to the animal hospital. Unfortunately, she was in the neighbour's compound and the gate was locked so we couldn't get to her (not that we would have trespassed if the gate wasn't locked). I'm sure it's just a matter of time before he does rescue a little pet.

Abang and Adik both love eating fried fish, especially freshly fried small ikan bawal. They go after it like they haven't eaten in days.

While chomping away on his fish, Abang would sometimes put on a very sad look on his face and say, "Kesian this fish, kan?"

When I ask him why, he says, "Because we catch it and then now we eat it. Kesian the fish."

I half expect him to become a vegetarian when he's older. Or he could go the extreme of one of the characters in the movie "Notting Hill" (I think that's the movie, anyway) who only eats fruits or vegetables that have fallen off the tree, rather than plucked off a tree because plucking a fruit or vegetable would mean "the carrots were murdered."

He must be taking after his hippie-mom who endures strange looks from Tesco cashiers when she declines plastic bags and instead whips out her reusable shopping bags - green coloured ones, no less. Abang is already tut-tutting at people who don't park or drive properly; now he's even taken to picking up rubbish at the Tesco car park and throwing it away in its proper rubbish bin!

The latest incident happened last weekend just after we had parked the car and were walking into Tesco. Abang spotted an empty vitagen bottle that had been left on the floor and said, "Some people just don't know how to throw rubbish properly." It's good to know that he's not just a talk-er but a do-er because he proceeded to pick it up, hang on to it until he found a bin and then disposed of it "properly".

I wonder if he'll be hugging trees anytime soon. He already kisses the bawal! But then immediately gobbles it down...


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