Wednesday, May 16, 2007

No Nap Boys

A couple of weeks ago, Adik had his first taste of a no-nap day. Both he and Abang were at Atok's house that Saturday because the electrician had to do some wiring and drilling at our house and we figured it was best that the boys weren't around for that.

Adik was so busy playing that he absolutely refused to be put down for a nap. When it was mid-afternoon and Atok tried rocking him to sleep and almost succeeded, Abang barged into the room and that was that. As expected, when we fetched Adik to come home (Abang slept overnight at Atok's house) he fell asleep in the car on the way back.

Slight dilemma for us, as he had not had dinner yet nor had a bath from a full day of playing. I decided to take the risk and wake him up for a shower and dinner when we arrived. After his dinner and shower, he was a bit reluctant to go back to sleep immediately so we let him watch his favourite show, 'Finding Nemo'. It just took half and hour of lying down with Daddy while watching TV before he was ready to go back to bed. This is what an overtired 21 month old boy looks like.

Today looked like it was going to be another no-nap day and this time for both the boys. It's quite normal for Abang to not have nap in the daytime, but we have to endure some, shall we say, not very good behaviour as a result of being tired but refusing to nap.

There's also the issue of Abang napping too late in the day which sometimes makes it difficult for him to go down for the night. However, today, by 3:30pm, the crankiness level was way up (for the boys too, not just the adults) and I packed the boys up in the car and we went out for a drive.

Less than half and hour later, we were back with both boys fast asleep. Finally, some peace and quiet!


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