Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Holidays Are Here...

I have three words for you: OH. MY. GOD.

We really did need God's help last Friday to get a parking spot at Mid Valley Megamall. Wan and I were nursing cabin fever and did the unthinkable and took the boys (sans maid) to MVM. Of course it didn't occur to either of us that spending 45 minutes to find a parking spot would be expected as it was the last day of school AND Thomas (the Tank Engine, not the cat) had made his debut appearance already.

As I like to say, "Walau-ehh..." I considered giving up and just telling the boys, "Sorry, no parking" but I'm not familiar with the basement parking of MVM so I wasn't sure which entrance to the mall would get me to the pay station.

Anyway, eventually made it. The boys wanted some makan at Pizza Hut so I obliged. By the time we were done eating, it was already 5pm so Wan and I decided it was best to leave. It wasn't quite so zoo-like when we got out of the mall.

So, it's the school holidays now and Abang is taking his first sleepover at Atok's house. He wanted Adik to sleep there with him too, but that might be a bit much for the grandparents. Before Adik and I left this evening, Atok and I took both boys for a walk. They were so happy! Abang was such a gentleman, he kept offering me his hand to climb steps and manoeuvre various obstacles along the way. (Made me feel like an old fogey but heck, he was so cute, who cares?) He did the same for Adik, too, whenever I asked him to please "help Adik".

The best part was when Adik and I were about to leave and Abang wanted to say goodbye to him. Abang went up to Adik and said, "Bye Johan. I love you." and then kissed his arm!

That's when the grandparents all melted into the driveway...


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