Monday, May 28, 2007

Abang to the Rescue

Well, Abang did it! He rescued his first kitten. I suppose if you want to get technical, it was Daddy who had to cross the drain behind Nenek's house to get the little kitten and it was Mummy who actually took it to the vet, but we'll give Abang credit for this rescue.

He was very insistent about "taking care of the kitten" and wanting to "teman the kitten" but we decided it would be better not to have him near the kitten until it had been seen by the vet and also after a bath. Abang's kitten was in quite a sorry state when we got it; very thin, dirty and with an infection in both eyes resulting in one of them practically covered by the third eyelid.

One trip to the animal hospital later, she (yes, the vet confirmed it's a girl!) was slightly cleaner, de-wormed, given some medication and the ok to go home. After giving her a thorough bath, we administered the antibiotics and eye drops for her, something I will have to do daily for the coming week.

Abang is naturally very pleased that his kitten is "doing great!" as he told Ant J when she asked how his kitten was doing. However, she's not eaten any of her IAMS kitten food but only drank some milk that Daddy put for her. She's currently kept in the carrier to keep her isolated from Harun and Thomas so they don't get infected.

The only sad thing about this whole episode is that Thomas seems to have merajuk and run away. He was around very early this morning but we haven't seen him since. He must be upset because we put the carrier with its new occupant in his corner. I guess the search party (i.e. Mummy) will be going out to look for him tomorrow.


At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh pear shaped cousin! where are you ! Please come home... - Rabbit via Ant J :-)

At 7:33 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Well, Thomas came back this morning. He was probably hungry for IAMS and figured he's done his bit to register his displeasure about the new 'addition'.

Anyway, we came home this evening and the new kitten was meowing away in the carrier, Harun was pawing me for some food, Thomas was on the garage roof mewing for some help to get down and Percy was waiting patiently for some food.

I felt like that crazy lady with all those cats!

At 3:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like your home is becoming a shelter for abandoned kittens :)


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