Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Busy Little Bees

Well, the boys have been kept mighty busy these school holidays! Last week, we made a trip to Aquaria with my sister, Cuz and AJ.

They have some new attractions since we were last there (which was when it first opened, when Adik was a newborn), the most fascinating being the touch pools at the start of the exhibition. Here, you can stick your hand in the pool and handle the animals, even feed them. Cuz was definitely game for that! Abang, however, was too scared to put his hand in the pool but I'm guessing it's just a matter of time before he does what Cuz does. After all, up until very recently he remembers how scared he was of the big tank when we went the first time and absolutely refused any invitation to go again to Aquaria.

After that we got some lunch followed by some ice cream. Cuz and Abang were relegated to the entrance of Marks & Spencer because the adults wanted to go check out anything new in the store but no food allowed. So my sister and I took shifts watching the boys who must have looked quite pitiful to the people walking past them. Especially with Cuz's arm in a sling.

The next day Abang got a sleepover treat at Atok's house. He usually has a lot of fun there just by virtue of it being a different place from home. Then Wednesday was our regular Kepong Run to Nenek's house which saw a trip to Iknao Power Centre as well.

Thursday morning I braved it and took the boys swimming. Wan came along, which helped greatly, especially after the swim to help dress the boys and also at lunch. The swim got them all hungry so feeding them wasn't as much of a challenge. However, getting them to sit still and not go under the table (ours and other patrons') was. At one point I was so desperate to get Adik to just sit quietly in his highchair that I let him lick tomato sauce off his plate! As long as I wasn't done with my lunch, he could have as much tomato sauce as he wanted. Actually, my plan was two-prong: to buy time to finish my lunch and to get him so sick of it. I think I only managed to achieve the first part of the plan.

Late Friday morning we took Atok and Cikgai for a trip to Putrajaya with us. Abang wanted to sembahyang Jumaat at the Putrajaya mosque there and Atok was only too happy to oblige. It was a good experience, save for the fact that the King apparently prayed there too, and there were prayers held for a top judge who passed away, so it was next to impossible to drive to the front of the mosque. Atok and Abang could only be dropped off rather far away and walk in.

Over the weekend, Adik enjoyed Mummy and Daddy time to himself while Abang was in Kepong entertaining Ant J and Nenek. Ant J let Abang do some arts and crafts with a couple of frames she had and he dubbed them "surprise for Mummy and Daddy". Naturally, the pink bordered frame is for Mummy while the blue/silver bordered frame is for Daddy.

In between all the activities, we have general clowning around, a trip to Tesco, some game playing and the usual outdoor play.

I'm braving myself for another swim with the boys! They really had fun the last time, and so did I. Wish me luck.


At 10:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

should frame abang and adik in the trolley pics side by side :-) they look quite at hope in them trolleys .. - Ant j


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