Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Pringles Party

It was one of the very, extremely, supremely rare occasions today when we bought a tall tin of Pringles potato chips for the boys. It was all the more rare because we actually drove out to the nearby Petronas to buy it! Apparently Daddy had "promised" it - a little fact told to me by a very innocent face and big brown 4-year-old eyes.

They were so excited, they had a little party on the dining room floor! A bit kesian, eh, that they get all excited over a tin of Pringles but I think better that they learn to eat these "treats" (read: junk) in moderation. After all, no point in banning it completely because eventually they'll be exposed to it - at kindergarten, parties, etc.

Don't worry, they didn't finish the whole tin. I think between the two of them they probably ate about a quarter and then we told them they had to save some for tomorrow. If Abang's Twisties experience is anything to go by, I think it's quite safe that he/ they won't be junk food addicts, but it never hurts to be careful!

P/S. When we were kids, my parents rationed our Cheezels to no more than FIVE (5) a day. Wah, I tell you, we really savoured those five.


At 8:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

kesian abang, he spotted the sour cream pringles in Kepong during the sleepover. And i told him cannot have until after lunch..and he was also told to ask Daddy if he can have it...after which he forgot about it but apparently remembered after his nap back home :) - Ant J

At 3:45 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Aaahhhh ... so THAT'S how it all started ...

At 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

sori ahhh menyibuk cikit

tapi rasanya perlu cakap gak lah
sbg sedara seugama
dah byk kali saya dengar pringles ni tak halal

kalau tak silap label halal memang tak de kat tin tu

jgn mare, rasa berdosa kalo tak bagi tau. tu aje, harap maklum

At 9:58 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Alamak! Ya ke? tapi yang ni beli dekat Petronas ... takkan Petronas jual makanan yang tak halal ...

At 3:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

itu le masalah terbesornye kat M'sia ni. Nama aje negara islam tapi benda macam ni dianggap remeh.

Begitu jugak le kedai2 org islam walaupun pakai tudung labuh segala, barangan tak halal pun mereka jual (tanpa disedari sebab main tangkap muat je & tak pernah ambik tau samada sesuatu barangan tu halal ke tak sebelum jual). Apalagi lah Petronas.

Cuma nasihat saya, berhati2 lah selalu bila beli makanan. Tau aje le semua ni boleh nyebabkan hati hitam, kotor dan susah terima hidayat dari Allah.


Marilah kita sama2 berusaha mencari yg halal dan jauhi yg haram dan syubhat :-)


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