Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Terrible Twos

Adik turns 2 in a few weeks and I think he's headed for the Terrible Twos much earlier than Abang did. The Terrible Twos only reared its ugly head when Abang was about 2 and a half, around the time when Adik was a few months old. As expected, he didn't take too kindly to the fact that he had to share his parents with this tiny thing that couldn't even lift up his head!

So far, Adik seems to be quite even tempered. Many times, when Abang snatches something from him, he (Adik) will just let him and go find something else to play with. (So, do I reprimand Abang for doing that? It seemed like nobody got hurt. Perhaps I ought to warn him that other people may not be so willing to give something up.)

Most of the time they play pretty well together, although lately, I notice that Adik gets upset very easily. If he doesn't get something he wants, he will scream and run to the safety gate and hit it with his hand. I dunno, beats me what that's about. Or he will just scream on the spot. Maybe it depends if he's tired or not.

This is precisely why when people ask me "Are you going to try for a girl?" I answer, "Definitely not sure." When Abang gets over one phase, it's Adik's turn. Then Abang moves on to a different phase. And then Adik will go through it two years later. It's like a roller coaster that never stops - after you get over the scary part, it's a nice cruise; then another different scary part that makes you scream. Then another nice cruise. Then the same first scary part... it doesn't stop, I tell you!

Oh well, hopefully this roller coaster ride will not be as long as the previous one.


At 9:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boy is turning two in middle of August..

He quarrels a lot with his elder sis who is 4.5 year old. He would retaliate if kakak snatched anything from him.. sometimes he even bites kakak..

Yours seem get along better than mine though.. ;)

At 10:29 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi RD - Welcome to our blog!

Your children's pictures are so cute (especially the sports day), hard to believe Umar bites his Kakak.

But then, of course, we wouldn't be putting up pictures of our kids fighting ... not that we'd have a chance to take pictures of that anyway!


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