Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Semua Pun Demam

Sorry for the lack of posts lately but we've all been a little under the weather. Technically, we're not all feverish, but 3 out of 5 people in our house counts as "semua" and ill can, in my books, be considered as "demam".

I started with a really bad sore throat last Wednesday which I thought had gone away but it seems to be lingering and today it got worse. And I seem to be coughing too.

Wan started coughing a little, but mostly she's lost her voice. Not entirely, but it certainly is difficult to understand her. Plus now I can't tell if she's cranky or not.

Abang has been having a fever off and on since Sunday morning. In fact, for most of Sunday he was very lethargic and hardly had any appetite. Then on Monday morning, the fever was gone and he was bright and chirpy but we made him "promise Daddy" that he would nap in the afternoon. Here it is, as proof that I actually did get him to take a nap, although it took an hour of persuading, threatening, hugging, smacking, tepuk, garu, jentik and gosok belakang before it happened:

He went for his e.nopi class soon after a 2 hour nap and when I fetched him he looked very tired. That night, he complained of pain in his ear. We feared an ear infection but decided to see how it went throughout the night. Worst case, it's a trip to the ER in the middle of the night (nothing we've not done before).

The next day, he wasn't feverish and we didn't hear anymore complaints of pain in his ear. Unfortunately, that evening he complained that his mouth hurt.

After a trip to his paediatrician this morning, it turns out that Abang has tonsilitis. And based on his medical records, this is the 4th occurrence this year which is not good news. The doctor reckons if this pattern continues next year then we ought to consider having Abang's tonsils removed.

So far, Adik and Daddy are ok but it's probably just a matter of time before they succumb and join The Dark Side. Adik was happily colouring and scribbling away at Nenek's house last week.

Let's hope it stays that way.


At 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They're so cute sleeping together. How did you get them to stay on their own side? My two just want to wrestle and then before long there's all kinds of crying and screeching. I am usually sleeping in between them!

At 9:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you and family get well soon!
Happy Birthday to you and how's life at 30.

At 9:02 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi Mag

Notice the bolster between them? They usually stay on their side for a bit but then neither of them naps for very long before either one stirs so, like you, I also usually sleep between them.

Or better yet, at the foot of the bed at right angles to them and leave the bolster there.

And life's great at 30! And 31, and 32, ...


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