Monday, December 03, 2007

Mmmm, I Love!

That's been Adik's motto lately. I'm not too sure where he picked it up from, but whenever he eats something he really likes - rarely will he eat anything he doesn't - then he looks up, his face shining with delight and exclaims, "Mmmm, I love!"

Today he practically fed himself his entire dinner, and when he had the soup, he said out loud, "Mmmm, Adik I like toop!" (Yes, he can't pronounce "s" sounds yet. Just like Abang at this age. Even Daddy sometimes needs an interpreter around.)

Awhile back, I did teach him to say, "Mmmm, yummy!" whenever he ate anything that was, well, yummy. Except that he says, "Mmmm, nummy!" instead.

Adik just loves eating nasi more than any other food. Unlike Abang who has a slightly more Mat Salleh tongue and enjoys his spaghetti and pasta, Adik will take nasi and lauk any day. With the exception of McDonalds, of course. That one will be accepted wholeheartedly by both the boys.

Not that I'm complaining, because after all, Mmmm, I love my boys!


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