Tuesday, November 20, 2007

How Time Flies

UPDATE: Thanks Ant J for downloading the photos so that I could upload them! :)

Well, it's that time of year again! Yep, it's kindergarten concert time again. Doesn't time fly? Feels like just last month when we were all 'ooh' and 'aah' with Abang performing his first concert.

The welcome dance performed by the older children was full of muhibah-ness (actually, the entire concert was very muhibah). It started with 2 'dragons' made up of 2 Chinese and 2 Malay boys prancing on stage. Then a Chinese girl who did some pretty impressive gymnastic-like moves (involving very flexible body movements!) followed by an Indian girl doing some Indian classical moves and finally a Chinese girl dressed in a baju kebaya doing some Malay dance movements.

After that was a pom-pom dance blah blah blah not involving MY CHILD blah blah blah danced to the tune of "Push It" blah blah blah

And then, TA-DAH! It's Abang's turn, hooray! This year, he performed twice - one was a teddy bear song with his classmates and the other was a Chinese song with his Mandarin classmates.

The teddy bear song was very cute, featuring a GIANT white teddy bear in the middle of the stage. Of course we had to crowd around the front to take a gazillion pictures - as would any self-respecting proud parent - and I overheard the teachers discussing, "Are you sure the teddy bear won't fall over?" "No la, hope they just don't touch la."

It went very well, Abang was seen (and heard) singing the song while doing the steps in a way that could only be described as, well, perfect. Honest. Other kids? Peh.

After that was an animal show and then, there it is! Abang's Chinese song performance. It started out rather like a recital where they did some movements and recited what sounded like a story. I was watching Abang very closely and could see (and even hear) that he was actually reciting the stuff in Mandarin just like the other kids. He had to refer to them a fair bit for the movements (see? I'm not so biased) but I was absolutely amazed that he had memorised the whole thing.

Only then did they do an actual song and dance. Again, I was amazed with his performance. Sigh ... makes us so proud!

(Just yesterday I overheard him humming that Mandarin song. I deduced that it's that song because I hadn't the foggiest what he was humming.)

We couldn't stay for the whole concert and graduation because Adik was getting fidgety. Or rather, Adik was getting more fidgety plus it started to rain and we were all pretty tired.

And in case you're wondering why there are no pictures - what self-respecting proud parent wouldn't take pictures at their child's concert - it's because Mummy is a blur case and returned the camera to Ant J without downloading the pictures first. If *ahem* Ant J would be so kind as to download them and send a few good ones to me, I could post them ... heheh ...


At 8:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor mummy....must be after effects of 'suicidal ikea run'....ok lah, see what ant j can do tonite... - Ant J

At 8:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are welcome....his shirt very...ummmm...bright ah? :-) - Ant J

At 10:29 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Mestilah bright, kalau tidak all the parents kat belakang nak tengok macam mana...?



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