Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Great Shopping Experience

It never occurred to me that going shopping with Abang would actually be an enjoyable experience. I needed to get some baju and decided to take Abang with me so poor Daddy wouldn't be abandoned at home with 2 boys to look after by himself!

To be honest, I wasn't too hopeful. I fully expected him to get restless, bored and eventually cranky and then I'd have to ditch my shopping plans and go home empty handed.

How wrong can a mother be?

As soon as we reached the lady's fashion floor, he became my "fashion consultant", as one mat salleh lady put it when she heard him 'advising' me on what I should try.

"Mummy, you want to go that shop?" he asked pointing to a shop a few doors away, and before I could answer he continued, "Or how about this one right here?"

They both looked similar to me, so I suggested the nearer one. "Ok!" was his very enthusiastic reply. Once we were in the shop he browsed through the racks just like I did and would helpfully suggest for me to try one some of his, um, choices.

"Nah, that one is too colourful for Mummy." Or "Ooo, I don't know if Daddy would let Mummy go out wearing that."

"Why?" Ever the inquisitive little boy.

"It's a little, well, small." Then he appraised it again, looked at me and nodded, "Ya lah. A bit small kan?"

As soon as we found one that I wanted to try he'd rush to the changing room. "Wait, Abang, let me find a few more to try on."

"Why?" There's that 'why' again.

"Because if I'm going to the changing room I might as well take a few pieces to try on. Saves time."

After I tried each one, he very helpfully rated each one. "This one not nice. This one number one nice, then that one number two nice, then only the other one."

"Hey, thanks Abang. I was thinking exactly the same thing!" He was so pleased.

After 5 shops I decided he'd been such an angel that I should treat him to a nice lunch. He scarfed down a huge lunch and then we went back to the 3rd shop to re-try some baju this time with matching skirt/ trousers.

I finally bought something and not a moment too soon because Abang was getting a bit tired (and started stumbling into glass walls and bumping his head on sharp corners). He got major praises, hugs and kisses from Mummy for being such a helpful shopping companion.

We went home feeling very pleased with ourselves.


At 11:21 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

good training for when he grows up and shops with his girlfriend/wife? :)

At 9:34 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Tracy that is so funny! I never thought of it as that.

If anything, I was thinking more like training for me, as in taking my son along with me when I need to do some shopping.


At 10:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oooooo i see babysitting opportunities abrewing!!!

At 10:58 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hmmm ... and who will be babysitting whom?


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