Monday, September 24, 2007

Daddy Masa Kecik

Ant J found some old - and I mean OLD - photos of Daddy (and Ant J, too, but I don't think I'll be allowed to post those) when he was a wee young 'un. The photos really are black and white, by the way, they haven't been Photoshop-ed or Picasa-ed except to brighten and crop. I found some similar ones of Abang, but in colour of course.

Check these out.

Daddy focusing intensely on a magazine.

And here's Abang with a Fortune magazine when he was about 2 years 3 months old, just a few weeks before Adik was born.

Daddy on his bicycle.

And here's Abang on his bicycle too!

My favourite picture which shows so obviously where Abang inherited his green thumbs from.

Next time I'm at Atok's house, I'll have to dig up some old photos of myself. I've been told that Adik looks exactly like that!


At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes..thank you...i feel OLD :-) i m sure Tok Bah would be tickled pink to see the similar pics! - Ant J

At 10:36 PM , Blogger The Forgetful One! said...

Wah ... amazing!

At 8:53 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

To think those pictures are over 30 years old! And the one of Ant J in her diaper, over 40 years old!

Amazing indeed!


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