Thursday, August 30, 2007

Seeking Permanent Hair Removal Method

If you're the squeamish type, you probably should stop here and go read something else.

We made yet another trip to Sunway Hospital today due to a razor blade accident I had in the shower this morning. I had my regular, ladies gilette razor in my right hand when the shower head fell and instinctively I put my hand out to catch it. Obviously it hadn't occurred to me not to do it since the razor was facing upwards and, in trying to catch the falling shower head, I swung my hand upwards.

I can't remember if I actually caught it because suddenly all I felt was this shearing pain in my left pinkie. That's when I realised I had smashed the face of the razor blade straight onto my left pinkie.

All I saw was red. Cursing to myself, I did the useless thing of washing it but obviously it just kept bleeding, DUH. I quickly used my towel and applied direct pressure on it while thinking what to do next. Daddy had left for work; the boys, Wan and Bibik were downstairs and I'm the only one left who can drive.

Hmmm ... could I possibly drive myself to the hospital? I removed the towel from my pinkie and drip, drip, drip. It hurt like hell just to pull the towel away from it.

Ok, obviously not. I had to call in the cavalry: Atok and Cikgai! After explaining to Cikgai as calmly as possible what happened, she said they'll be right over. My next challenge was to get dressed which I managed to do with creative use of my teeth.

When I was ready, I decided to just wait upstairs continuing to apply pressure on the pinkie. I called Daddy to let him know and he immediately packed up and made his way home.

We met Daddy at the A&E of Sunway Hospital. By that time I had used a small towel to apply pressure on it. When the nurse came to open it up I was really cringing and when she saw my finger she had to re-dress it and helped me apply pressure. This is what it looked like at that time:

Essentially I had sliced off a chunk of my pinkie (skin AND flesh), enough to warrant an x-ray to check that I didn't hit the bone. Luckily I hadn't. Then they gave me a tetanus shot and a painkiller shot as well, before sending me to the orthopaedic surgeon.

In the treatment room while waiting for the surgeon to take a look at it, the nurse opened up the dressing and again, drip drip drip, so she had to re-wrap it but not too tightly so that it wouldn't hurt again when the surgeon removes it to take a look.

He said it couldn't really be stitched so the only thing to do was to dress it up and come in daily to change the dressing. So here it is in all its gory... sorry, glory ...:

In the meantime, I'm in the market for permanent hair removal, preferably not done in my bathroom. I just realised the bathroom is indeed a very dangerous place for me.


At 7:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

well...i guess you are typing with one pinkie up ..not unlike being la di da while drinking tea ? - Ant J

At 4:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

take care!

At 10:20 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Yes thank you! Managed to outsource the boys to get some rest this weekend.

Actually, Ant J, even though it's just one finger that was sliced, the finger next to it can't really be used either because nanti strain the affected finger.

Haiya...takde kerja betul... now I'm so jumpy!


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