Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Day I Met Jimmy Choo

Yes, it's true
I met Jimmy Choo

Sitting there at Uncle Lim
I wondered, What do I say to him?
Eating his assam laksa
Me, my roti bakar
He, the great shoemaker
Me, a mere homemaker?

I wanted to say "Hi!"
And hoped he wouldn't just say "Bye!"

So I apologised for interrupting
(I mean, it's not like he was wining and dining)
And asked, Are you Jimmy Choo?
He laughed and said, Do I look like him too?

I said, Yes you do
You look like Jimmy Choo!
Then he confessed, Yes, I'm Jimmy Choo
I shook his hand and said, It's very nice to meet you

I asked, Are you back for good?
Or just for the food?
He said, No, I'm just back to celebrate MERDEKA
After all, finding a job here "a bit susah"
I said, That can't be true
After all, you are Jimmy Choo!

Then I asked about his collaboration with UiTM
He misheard me and mumbled something about RTM
Do you work with them, he asked
No, I said, being a full-time mom is my task

Then he said, You look much too young
To be a full-time mom
I blushed away
And said, I'm not that young anyway

So then I said goodbye
Didn't want his assam laksa to go dry
And I walked off feeling very pleased with myself
For having chatted with the Datuk himself.

Ok, a few things to note: Firstly, he didn't exactly say finding a job "is a bit susah" but I had to find something that rhymed. He actually very modestly said that nobody here would take him on.

And then, at the end after I shook his hand again, before I left I said, "All the best" which in retrospect sounds a bit stupid. But he was very nice, and he even replied with, "Give my best to your family."

Such a cute man!


At 3:35 PM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

oh jimmy choo
how i would love some of your shoos

i can't say i like your bags
i think they look a bit drab


that was a fun read. enjoyed your poem!

At 6:50 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Thanks Tracy :)

I have to admit up until yesterday evening (after I met him), I hadn't even seen any of his shoes or handbags.

After surfing his website and picking my jaw off the floor, I realised I won't be buying his shoes in my lifetime. Especially since it's GBP300+ for your run-of-the-mill, ready-made, buy-from-the-website shoes.


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