Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Gejala Ponteng Sekolah

I admit I am partly responsible for the rise in Gejala Ponteng Sekolah. Today I let Abang ponteng to go to the Butterfly Park in KL. Cuz and AJ's cousin was in town from the US so we went with them there to see the lovely butterflies. (Admittedly Cuz also ponteng but AJ made it for his 2 o'clock class.)

It was a nice day for a trip to the Butterfly Park - not too hot but not raining either. There were many tourists plus a big group of school children on a field trip. Abang and Adik had way a lot of fun running around - and of course tripping and falling which wasn't as fun - even though they're actually a bit geli when the butterflies are flying around them!

The fish and tortoise ponds also fascinated them, but not as much as the python in the glass case. Abang called to Wan, "Wan! Tengok! Ada ular dekat situ." She recoiled and headed in the opposite direction.

After Cuz and AJ arrived, all four boys had even more fun. Except for the time AJ had some "issues" with the ice cream freezer that he saw from the entrance, i.e. he wasn't allowed any. So for the whole of the next 15 minutes he became a real contrarion and insisted that all the butterflies were fake. (When I said "Hi" to him, he answered, "Bye!". That's how upset he was.) He cheered up after awhile and declared that the butterflies were indeed real live ones.

Anyway, back to the Gejala, it's funny that I feel guilty for not feeling guilty about letting Abang skip school. He's only 4, for crying out loud, many kids his age don't even go to kindergarten! Plus he's been getting what I feel is a lot of homework lately. And colouring isn't his strength so it's doubly excrutiating (for him and me) to get him to finish it. (Note to self: Call teacher tomorrow.)

Next time we go to the Butterfly Park I must remember not to bother with the stroller. The place is full of steps everywhere!


At 11:51 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

they should ponteng all the want now at kindy level :)

from the pictures, the butterfly park looks great! there are hidden treasures in kl after all...

i used to go to the carl's jr at the bird park (Lake Gardens) area after KL court. have coffee and criss cut fries on the balcony and observe the birds :)

At 1:01 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi Tracy

I tried very hard to take good pictures because I'm usually very crap at it. So I have to say, I'm rather pleased with the pictures too! :P

Unfortunately, carl's jr isn't at the bird park any longer. When we went last December, it was a restaurant proper and no more carl to serve us :)

At 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah, your FIL will be pleased that the boys are getting to uh..know nature (such as it is) in KL since he was concerned about them being with trees, birds and stuff :) - must have more boys in nature pics to tok bah! - Ant J


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