Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Stubborn Streak

Adik's stubborn streak is starting to show. Couple that with the Terrible Twos AND some serious separation anxiety issues, and we have a recipe for major battles at home. I mean, when he has decided that he wants to do something, no amount of "Adik don't do that" will sway him. He ... must ... no, he ... WILL ... do ... that.

Which makes going out for meals a real challenge.

In fact, he is very different from Abang in the sense that he is not as easily distractable. Abang does act up too, but he could be distracted by something else ("Hey! We were supposed to do painting, remember?" or "Look at Harun, I think he's trying to catch the bird! Oh no!").

But Adik, oh boy, Adik will absolutely refuse to be distracted. When he doesn't get what he wants he bawls and screams without giving an inch.

That's when I realised, in absolute horror: I gave birth to myself.

Oh, crap. I'm in for a good time, NOT.

I tested my theory with Daddy, expecting (hoping?) to have the theory shot down but all Daddy said was, "Yes, you did, didn't you?".

No sympathy, whatsoever!

Having said that, I'm happy to report that I'm slowly weaning him off his pacifier. When it's bedtime I keep telling him that "the dog took your pacifier" and he would complain, but not cry. Sure it takes longer for him to fall asleep but I can deal with that as long as there's no crying. And so far there isn't, phew!

So nowadays, he looks like this when he sleeps:

With some luck and even more perseverance, soon the dog can have all of his pacifiers.


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