Thursday, August 09, 2007

Panic Attack

Hooray, Adik turned 2 yesterday and thus making the great leap from "baby" to "toddler". Wasn't it just yesterday he looked like this:

Now he's all of 2 years old and I realised, gasp shock horror, that he doesn't know any alphabets, colours or shapes. He can recite a few numbers, though.

That's when I had a panic attack. Because when Abang was this age, he already knew basic shapes (although they were pronounced 'tuare' for 'square', 'turtle' for 'circle' and 'tangle' for 'triangle'), ALL his alphabets, basic colours like blue, red, green, yellow and also numbers 1 until 10.

And what is Adik doing?

Doing the duck walk. Jumping off the coffee table onto the sofa (yes, yes, he gets told off for doing that). Insisting on feeding himself. Opening and drinking from a mineral water bottle. Putting on his shorts, getting a hit rate of about 40% (which is not bad considering Abang has trouble with that too sometimes). Jumping up and down. Playing with Lego (regular size, not Duplo). Attempting to play with Abang's Leapster but has to be corrected when he holds it upside down. Putting his shoes on by himself. Doing his business in the loo, yelling "Adik yak! Adik yak!".

I guess they just have very different strengths although it wouldn't hurt if I took out the flashcards eh?

Oh yes - and smacking our pokok bunga kertas with the broom:

Panic attack!


At 3:04 AM , Blogger Tracy Tan said...

happy belated birthday adik :)

At 10:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday to Adik!

At 3:02 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Yay, thank you!


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