Thursday, August 16, 2007

Feline Wellness Programme

In other words, I'm putting the cats on a diet.

I mean, just look at them. Don't they look like cats that need to go on a di... I mean a "wellness programme"? It's quite fascinating that Harun, who's been raised by us since birth, would go totally wild when we give him people food like chicken or fish. But Thomas, he who strayed into our home and our hearts, thumbs his nose at people food. He just sniffs at it and walks away, almost saying, "As if!" He scarfs down the IAMS like there's no tomorrow. Daddy reckons it's because he was a stray cat that he eats a lot of the good stuff, because as a stray cat you never know when your next meal will be so when a good meal is placed in front of you, eat as much as you can!

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I'm also doing it for my convenience. I plan to feed them only twice a day - once in the morning and once late afternoon or early evening.

That's because lately, in their attempt to be fed for the 10th time in an hour, they've been really getting underfoot. So much so that I've tripped over them, stepped on Harun's paw, accidentally kicked Thomas and all this wearing my high heeled shoes which makes neither feline nor human look particularly graceful. (How could anyone look graceful kicking a cat?!)

So let's see if my Feline Wellness Programme does any good for the felines concerned, or merely for the adult humans around them.

Maybe I ought to get them to pose for "Before" and "After" pictures, just like in all those ads (for human wellness programmes, that is).


At 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

but but but we are not uh...fat..we are big boned la...all the more to love...don't we just look cosy napping together :) - Harun & Thomas via Ant J


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