Saturday, August 11, 2007

Adik's Birthday Party

Wow even a small "for family only" birthday party can be so tiring! Maybe the pictures can explain why ...

This was before the party actually started. Oh boy!

And here's another one to send to Atok Bah, although I'm not sure if he'll be pleased that they're "climbing" trees or if he'll call me to "advise" me on the dangers of letting them climb trees.

I was trying to get them to do it as quickly as possible for the photo opp, hoping that Wan wouldn't see them but it was too late. Before I could say "Ok, get down" she had come outside and Abang had called to her, "Wan! Tengok!" And that was when I heard this piercing yell, "EH! TURUN! JATUH NANTI TU!"

Oh boy, indeed. Luckily Daddy was taking the photos, not me.

It looks like very innocent candle-blowing fun, but in actual fact it was more like let's-see-who-can-put-more-spit-on-the-cakes. At 4+ years old, Abang has really improved his candle-blowing skills. Adik, on the other hand ...

More garden play time while the guests were in the process of leaving. You know how it is, first you announce that you are leaving. Then you alert the kids and/ or spouse about your intention to leave. Then you wait for the food to be packed for you. Then you talk at the door. Then you talk at the gate. Then you walk to the car, still talking all the way to the car.

After spouse and/ or kids are packed in the car, drive off. Then drive back when you realise you left something.

I'm pooped, good night!


At 8:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, Atok has the pre-'we are leaving' steps down, but in this instance it did not work for him as your mother was still sitting at dining table talking to me when he was waiting in the car! heh heh...mmm now for some crab dip (need to get extra mayo!) - Ant J


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