Saturday, August 25, 2007

Boys, Lovely Boys

Here are some examples of what the boys have been up to lately:

Adik, with his latest obsession of "I do it!" and "No, Adik do!". Add to that his other obsession with throwing things away, not all of them rubbish, "Buang. Adik buang." and he runs to find a rubbish bin.

Further to his first experience in climbing our manggo tree, Abang did it again! He managed to climb higher than before and wanted to go even higher but ... uh ... Mummy chickened out and asked him to come down and "wait for Daddy to come home, he'll help you climb higher". Mummy's not the tree climber in the family, if that's not already obvious.

Finally - yes, finally! - I signed Adik up for class at Tumble Tots. Not the same one as Abang, of course, he's too young for that. He's in the 2-3 year olds play class where they sing songs, climb, run, balance, crawl and generally have a fun time. I considered putting him in a different class which teaches them alphabets to help ease my panic attack but the schedule isn't right. So I figured better just send him for a regular play class because if I don't, before I know it, he'll be 18 and moving out to go to college. And he'll forever go on and on (until he's 35) about how "Mummy never sent me to Tumble Tots" and it'll just scar him for life. Trust me.

The other day Abang teman me to go get my car washed. It's so rare now that he'll go to the car wash with me so it was nice to have him come along. He wanted to take pictures with my phone so I let him and he took the one above of the cars being cleaned. I thought it was pretty good! He took another one of a leaf on the ground which was also good, but I don't think I need to put it up.

Then today we all went to KLIA to fetch Atok and Cikgai who had a one-week holiday in Brunei. Wow they had so much fun! The boys, I mean. At the airport. Well, I'm sure Atok and Cikgai had fun on their holiday too. No pictures from KLIA because we were either chasing them around the airport or recovering from chasing them around the airport.

No wonder Atok preferred not to have Abang sleepover at their house tonight :)


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