Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Hoping for a Better Week

So last Thursday I had a fight with my razor blade and I lost. Badly. And it's making me typr with lors of miatskfe

After a weekend of resting and enjoying my all-time favourite mini series, I rather dreaded Monday morning not unlike having the Monday Blues but on a Sunday Night.

I don't know when or how I angered The Jinx Gods but they must have really had it in for us. For on Monday morning, I was all set to send Abang to kindergarten and ... my car wouldn't start.

No crank or anything, just a little 'click' when I turned the key. I turned the key again and it did the same thing. I thought I'd try it for the third time and still no luck. Then a message flashed before my eyes: CAR BATTERY DEAD. NO AMOUNT OF WISHING WILL HELP.

I ran upstairs and told Daddy, "Houston we have a problem. My car won't start."

"You'll have to send Abang in my car then," was his reply.

I was very nervous because I'd never driven Daddy's car before. It's one of those automatic with a manual transmission. Or is it a manual with an automatic mode but without a clutch? I don't know. All I know is I was very tense driving it to Abang's kindergarten. And so was he. (Daddy, not Abang. Oh wait. Abang too.)

In the meantime I called AAM and they said they'll arrive in an hour. But those lovely folks at AAM actually arrived within 25 minutes! Wonderful. After checking and doing what they do, the nice "Uncle AAM" told me that the battery is actually rosak and will be changed under warranty.


But there's a catch. They're out of stock and I can only get one "petang nanti".

Alamak - now how do I fetch Abang from kindergarten? Our regular Childcare Outsourcing Consultants, i.e. my parents, said they'd be out and about - from Shah Alam to KL - all day. So Mummy had no choice but to do some exercise and take a 10-minute walk to fetch Abang. His teachers were quite surprised to see me turn up sporting a hat and an umbrella and exclaimed, "Wa... so good! Mummy is exercising!" I was like, "Actually no, my car battery died and AAM can't get me a new one until evening." They were most sympathetic. Oh yes, then on the way home he needed to pee - his exact words were: "Mummy tak tahan I want to kencing" - but didn't even make it to the drain so he walked the rest of the way home in wet shorts and shoes.

Still, technology is wonderful. Even though I was house-bound the whole day I managed to get some urgent work delivered just by coordinating via e-mail and sms. Lovely!

I suppose that's the good news of the whole day.

Daddy arrived home from work well before the AAM guy arrived with my car battery ("petang", my ass, more like "senja"). So I had to drive Daddy's car - again with tense shoulders - to the nearby clinic to get my dressing changed. Daddy stayed home to wait for the AAM guy.

All's well and I went home.

This morning The Jinx Gods were visiting our area again and Daddy twisted / sprained his back. He tried to drive to work but only made it around the block and realised it's too painful so he'll stay home and rest. The painkillers he took during the day didn't seem to be very effective so after dinner I drove him to our friendly nearby clinic.

The doctor saw me at the reception and asked if my dressing had come off and I said no, actually it's my husband who needs to see you today!

Besides other medication, Daddy got a painkiller shot too, just like Mummy last Thursday, and I can honestly say those painkiller shots are a real pain in the ass.

So now I'm just keeping a low profile. Hopefully The Jinx Gods will go away.

(Oh yes, and this morning our housing area experienced a blackout leaving us with no electricity or Telekom line. But it was "only" for 2.5 hours so it's hardly worth talking about.)


At 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hungry ghost festival ma...didnt put offering out kut :) - Ant J

At 9:53 PM , Blogger The Forgetful One! said...

Hey, hope you had a good weekend and will have a better week ahead.

I think I am now quite immune to the jinxes in my life. Unbelievable really ... but life goes on right?

Hope to catch up for breakfast sometime soon now that Tracy is back for some.


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