Sunday, September 02, 2007

North and South

No, I'm not referring to Abang and Adik.

I'm actually watching the 1985 production of John Jake's North and South starring Patrick Swayze, James Read, Kirstie Alley, Forest Whittaker, Jonathan Frakes and a whole host of other big names in Hollywood.

It was just as a by-the-way thing that I mentioned to Daddy that the next time anybody we know goes to the US maybe we can look for the DVDs on Amazon and order them.

And because Daddy's The Best, one day he surprised me with a hey-dear-look-what-I-have-for-you and lo and behold, it was North and South! I practically squealed with delight. Or maybe it was a very loud giggle. Anyway the surprise was just in time too, for me to watch it during my downtime this weekend. We outsourced the boys to alternate grandparents while I "rested" to let my finger heal from the accident.

Before watching it this time, though, I had to force myself to lower my expectations a little because many times, things we remember as kids that were SO GREAT turn out to be not-so-great when we're adults.

Well, it's as good as I remember it to be! The first time I saw it, it was shown on TV (can't remember if RTM or TV3) back when I was in Form 4 in 1987. Not only did I watch it faithfully every week but we also videotaped it so after that initial screening I watched it several times over.

So now I have to force myself to ration this out, otherwise I might end up doing a marathon. (Although with normal school days and my part-time work this coming week, I won't have any trouble "rationing" it out.)

If you'll excuse me, I have to go ... uh ... brush my teeth. Yes, that's it.


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