Sunday, September 09, 2007

A Very Happy Birthday

Cuz turned 10 last week! It's amazing - I remember very clearly going to the hospital just after he was born and seeing him in the nursery. And now he's 10 years old already.

His birthday party was at Atok and Cikgai's house today. His mom limited his invitees to just 3 classmates and it so happened they are all boys. So it was just as well that he only invited 3 of them because they created such a ruckus! Bear in mind that I alos have 2 boys, plus AJ; then our cousin and his wife brought their 3 sons as well. Our auntie and uncle showed up with 2 of their grandchildren - a girl and a boy. The poor girl was SO bored because she was the only girl at the party! And our family is so "boy-heavy" that we have no "girl toys" at all.

One of Cuz's classmates who came for his party is a boy called Nabil. For some reason, Abang really took to him and was happily telling us that he has a "new friend". After the party it was Nabil this and Nabil that; quite cute really. I may have mentioned this before, but it's interesting how Abang gets along very well with older children. At home he talks more about his friends who are in the 5- and 6-year olds class, as well as the primary school children who have siblings in his kindergarten and are there for "full day", which means daycare.

Adik managed to catch a 45-minute nap which was actually pretty good considering the all ruckus. The aquaplay was set up and Adik was sooooo happy playing it, especially after the bigger boys decided playing some gory computer game was more fun and left Adik to play by himself. This was one of the times when Abang asked me, "Have you seen my friend? The one in the blue shirt." (That would be Nabil. I really hope Abang doesn't talk in his sleep tonight.)

Other than that, I'm pleased to say I've started making cupcakes again. I did try to make excuses due to my 'finger accident' but no go. This time I experimented with different colour icing which gave Abang green teeth for awhile and Adik a purple mouth before it got washed off. We even borrowed some to put on the chocolate birthday cake.

A fun (for the kids) but tiring (for the adults) day!


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