Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Wrath of Abang

In case you're wondering: No, our house wasn't ransacked or burgled or anything like that. This was the result of leaving Abang in our room by himself after being sharply reprimanded for misbehaviour.

He got scolded, I left the room, he started to cry and then slammed and locked the door (don't worry, I have the keys to all rooms and bathrooms ready). A few minutes later, when Daddy and I were downstairs we heard a rather loud 'slide' followed by a dull 'thud' sound.

Daddy rushed upstairs while I had to prevent Adik from destroying the media player. On my way up I heard Abang getting spanked and screaming, "SORRY DADDY! SORRY DADDY!" Needless to say I got the shock of my life when I walked in and saw the room like that and I knew immediately what he had done.

He climbed up the dressers using either the drawer handles or the drawers themselves. Obviously it got too top heavy and both dressers collapsed. Basically, the bed saved him and everything on top of the dressers. We were surveying the damage when I saw that his pinkie had a slight cut and was bleeding. When I took him to the bathroom to clean it up I realised that the finger had swollen to almost double its usual size!

Fearing a fracture, Daddy and I took him immediately to the emergency room. To cut that long story short, the x-ray showed no fracture and we went home to clean up the room. Needless to say Abang got a very firm though gentle reminder/ request to never do that again. He nodded meekly.

A couple of hours later, bedsheets changed (dust balls all over the bed), bedroom vacuumed, floor and back of the dressers wiped down and the room looked like normal again. I'm so thankful that nothing more serious happened to Abang considering all the heavy items on the dressers - a TV, 2 bookshelf speakers, 2 lamps on top of the speakers, an ASTRO decoder, a heavy-ass receiver unit (we did the CSI thing and suspect that this is what landed on Abang's finger), my notebook and assorted other things like scissors. In fact, my sewing kit got flung out of the top drawer and while cleaning up I found a pin on the bed. Equally amazing was that nothing broke, everything still works down to the lamp that fell on the floor.

So, lessons learnt:

1. Tether dressers and other potentially dangerous cabinets/ racks to the wall (IKEA here I come).
2. Don't leave angry little boys by themselves, anywhere.
3. Shop for a wall-mountable LCD screen for the bedroom

(Just kidding on the last part.)


At 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your husband would take item 3 ie the lcd VERY seriously :p - Ant J

At 2:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hooray! there's this nice samsung 31" LCD for RM2999 ONLY... -daddy

At 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad that Abang didn't have any serious injuries. I get glimpses of my future when I read about Abang and Adik's antics. I can see Jeevan doing exactly the same thing some day :)

At 11:56 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Hi Kash - long time no see! Hope all is well with you. I seriously hope Jeevan (or anyone else for that matter) doesn't pull down any dressers. It was really very scary to think what could have happened to him.

Ant J - you are right! :)


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