Sunday, October 07, 2007

Hari Raya is Coming!

Hooray, Hari Raya is just around the corner!

Abang and I attempted (keyword is 'attempted') to make some cookies last week. I'm not sure if they're any good, though. I followed the instructions but somehow my measurements went a bit off and I seem to have more flour mix than creamed butter and caster sugar. So it looks like I'll be making even more cookies than I had originally intended to.

This being my first attempt, obviously I was a bit 'kekok' as we say in Malay. The dough wasn't rolled out evenly, I didn't use the cookie cutter properly and the very first batch in the oven was in there a little, um, too long.

So what did I do? I camouflaged it of course! I melted some cooking chocolate, dipped the cookies in it and poured colourful sprinkles on them. Heh heh heh (Yes I'm rather pleased with myself for doing that because I'm not good at improvising!)

Too bad Adik can't quite help yet, although he would like to. He can help with the very simple stuff like, say, bringing me the flour or sugar. But even then I have to watch him like a hawk to make sure he doesn't drop anything or get distracted on the way there. Abang is pretty good at helping, as in he can actually help without too much supervision although he sometimes needs my help.

Wow, I stil have much to do before Hari Raya, so hopefully I can get the cookies right by then. Oooh, not to mention the cupcakes that are waiting for me ...


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