Wednesday, October 17, 2007

We've Been Had!

You know how I'm always going on about what a good hunter Harun is? I've blogged about it no less than 3 times.

Unfortunately, we now think it's not Harun that's doing the hunting. And, it's definitely not Thomas either. The reason we are now suspicious of Harun The (Non) Hunter is because I had the unpleasant experience of having Ratatouille in our kitchen last week. And I'm not one to swear, but that guy was one big mofo.

It was attempting to come out from behind the stove (note to Daddy: after we get your LCD screen can we please get a built-in stove) so after sms-ing Daddy who was lying down with Abang upstairs I immediately called our pest control company. I wasn't too optimistic that they could do anything, it being 5:45pm on the eve of Hari Raya.

So Daddy suggested we bring the cats in to seek and destroy.

They were SOOoooo uninterested in catching the damn thing. Daddy had to flush it out and it ran behind the fridge. Harun sniffed around. Thomas went back outside.

Daddy The Hunter then flushed it out from behind the fridge and it ran onto the rack next to the bathroom. Then Harun was a bit interested and tried to get into the rack as well. I went to get Thomas back in. Teamwork, Thomas, teamwork!

After awhile Harun lost interest in his new playfriend and was about to just sit and chill out. I was livid. Again, Daddy The Hunter, flushed Ratatouille out from the rack and it ran into the bathroom. Harun and Thomas chased after it and Daddy quickly closed the door. Yea! That's it, mission accomplished. Right?

Uh, right?

Hah! It was all quiet for the longest time and we mistakenly attributed the silence to the cats laying in ambush having surrounded the rat. After about 15 minutes we weren't too sure. Then we heard a meow. We know that meow. It's the meow that says, "Let us out please!"

Daddy wanted to open the door to let the cats out but what if Ratatouille came out instead?

"Ok then, I'll get a broom ready and beat the crap out of it." Not very convincing, if you ask me. I moved to higher ground.

He opened the door - broom in hand - and the cats came bounding out like they had a fun time playing with their new friend. Daddy gingerly looked into the bathroom and saw the rat resting nicely in the corner.

"There, Harun, in the corner! Kill! Kill!" Harun and Thomas just hung around.

Finally, I suggested we try to just shoo it out of the house. As soon as it ran out the back door, Harun and Thomas chased after it.



At 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are just too well fed la Mummy :-) We thought you wanted us to make friends with the uh...guest :-) - Thomas n Harun via Ant J

At 10:19 PM , Blogger Full Time Mom said...

Actually, that's what Abang said. He suggested that it's probably the not-fat-yet Gordon that's been catching those rats.

Although to be fair to our already-fat-cats, the ones that they've been leaving as 'presents' for Daddy are always baby ones. Like the half-a-carcass last week was so tiny.

The one we fought with in the house was HUGE.


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